Important concepts in Flash:
FLASH STAGE: The stage, the large white area in the center of the screen is where the action happens. For our purposes, If it isn't on the stage, the user isn't going to see it.
TOOLS: Allow you to draw, color, and otherwise manipulate objects on the stage
TIMELINE: a place where action occurs, the timeline is broken into a series of frames. You can think of these as individual frames of a film. When you put something on the stage, it will appear in a frame. If you want to move it from one place to another it will start in one frame and end in another a little further down the timeline. The red box you see in frame one of the timeline is called the playhead
PLAYHEAD: this shows you the current frame being displayed. When a Flash movie is playing through a browser, the playhead is in motion and the user is seeing the frame where the playhead is located
PANELS: These are used to modify and manipulate whatever object you may have selected on the stage or even to add an object to the stage (library)
PROPERTIES PANEL: When an object is placed on the stage and selected using the selection arrows in the tools panel, the properties inspector panel will change to reflect the properties of that object that can be manipulated. Such as, stroke, fill, size/scaling, you can also add motion tweens here
flash tweening explained
In class:
1. learn to set up a flash document
2. learn to draw a shape, and convert it to a symbol
3. learn to import to the library
4. Create a simple motion tween using keyframes and/or a motion guide layer
For Next Class 11/12 Wed.
1. Read 150-157
2. Find an example of media coverage concerning unequal power relationships between men and women, social classes or different ethnic groups
- Is there more than one kind of ideological position/perspective evident within the media content?
4. Bring a copy of the article, and the images ready to animate for next class
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