1. Make sure you have turned in your Animation Projects to me
2. watch MONEY AS DEBT by Paul Grignon
producer's notes:
3.Create a short analysis of "Money as Debt" as a blog entry (by 10/29)Money created as interest-bearing bank credit is a magic trick, a fraud - now 3 centuries old; one that very few people have seen through despite, or rather because of, its utter simplicity.
It is my intention to make this mysterious debt-money system comprehensible to everyone. It is also my intention to foster sufficient understanding of the problems with this money system that citizens will be motivated to join the monetary reform movement and/or create local alternatives to the global monetary system - a system in which most of the productive people of the world are collectively chained to an ever-increasing and perpetually unpayable debt.
This is a system designed for elite control of the people by those who have given themselves the privilege of creating money. It is also, I believe, a system that is designed for catastrophe. As the movie explains, there can be no sustainable civilization without a sustainable money system
4. for 10/29 read 120-130
5. Also Get ready for a short quiz next week on file formats (.ai, .psd, .jpg, .gif) bitmaps vs. vectors, and photoshop vs. illustrator (10-29)
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